Forget Pumpkin Pie! This shake is easier, healthier, and duh, VEGAN! Pumpkin Pie Shake the perfect little selfish treat.

"I got 99 problems but a meal ain't 1" Self-Taught Vegan Chef :: Food Network Champion :: TV Host
Forget Pumpkin Pie! This shake is easier, healthier, and duh, VEGAN! Pumpkin Pie Shake the perfect little selfish treat.
I am definitely not an expert in making jams, and in fact, I know a few Jam queens out there who make delicious, vegan, locally produced jams – ehem – Tradestreet Jam Co. But I do not how to make things taste good in a minimal amount of time, tehehe. If you live in Manhattan …
I work at Condé Nast – I think most of you knew that by now. When I started here, a lot of friends assumed that I snagged a role at Bon Appétit and Epicurious, but no! I’m still a dork working in Data Science & Business Strategy in corporate. That being said, I am a …
Ever heard of carpaccio? Many Italian restaurants have it – generally at the higher-end restaurants. Its commonly thinly sliced meat or fish that is served “raw” with some sort of marinade, or it is cured. I’ve never eaten carpaccio before, nor do I have any interest in doing so. The idea of raw meat is …
This is definitely the season for peaches and you’ve probably noticed a few peachy recipes up on my blog right now. Peaches aren’t widely used in Indian cuisine, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be integrated! When I think of peaches I immediately think of something warm and comforting. And a lot of Indian spices …
As the summer comes to a close (and it really feels like a sudden close cause its 60 degrees in NYC right now!), I like to take full advantage of summer fruits and vegetables. I generally like eating fruits as is – natural and untouched. But sometimes, it’s fun to dress them up a bit! …
Perfect for autumn. Perfect for winter. Perfect for people who don’t want to spend hours boiling rice and messing up. Cranberry Almond Rice Pilaf 1/2 cup basmati rice – thoroughly rinsed 3-4 tbsp dried cranberries 3-4 tbsp pecans – roughly chopped 1 tsp freshly ground nutmeg 1 bay leaf salt black pepper 1 tbsp fresh …
I started my new job last week and found out that there are a ton of perks. One is being able to sign up for a bi-weekly organic vegetable delivery in the summer-fall months, and a percentage of the proceeds goes to charity. I actually don’t know all the details, but what I do know …
Autumn just screams warmth, comfort, and soup! I love diving into a bowl of a warm and creamy soup, and I feel that all of the vegetables during this season are perfect for soup! The other day there were a variety of squashes on in the grocery store and I decided to buy a couple …
Its finally that time of year – pumpkin EVERYTHING! I love the taste of pumpkin and love that it is so versatile. It can be made spicy, sweet, sautéed, baked, pureed, etc – you name it and it can be done. I wanted to make some simple, yet elegant and fun. I decided to make …